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Bear Jokes 02

Q: How do you hire a teddy bear?

A: Put him on stilts!

Q: What do you call a big white bear with a hole in his middle?

A: A polo bear!

Q: Why do polo bears like bald men?

A: Because they have a great, white, bear place!

Q: What do polo bears have for lunch?

A: Ice burger!

Q: What's a teddy bears favorite pasta?

A: Tagliateddy!

Q: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

A: They both have 'the' as their middle names!

Q: Why is polar bear cheap to have as a pet?

A: It lives on ice!

Q: Why shouldn't you take a bear to the zoo?

A: Because they'd rather go to the cinema!

Q: What is a bear's favorite drink?

A: Koka-Koala!

Q: Why was the little bear so spoiled?

A: Because its mother panda'd to its every whim!