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Each day, click to read the Kids Joke of the Day!
Kids jokes: Although these jokes are often funny for people of all ages, kids and adults alike, they are typically geared toward children and young adults. By this, we mean that they have a shortness and simpleness about them that allow an individual at virtually any age to get a good laugh.
Animal Jokes for Kids - Animal jokes that includes short jokes about a variety of different animals like bears, birds, cats, and dogs.
Doctor Doctor Jokes - Doctor, Doctor! These medical and doctor jokes are often very short, to-the-point, yet still very funny.
Knock Knock Jokes - A large collection of knock knock jokes, assorted into groups and indexed in alphabetical order.
Scary Jokes - Scary and horror-related humor, including skeleton, ghost, witch, wizard, monster, and Halloween jokes.
School Jokes for Kids - School jokes specifically targeted at kids and young adults that cover such topics as geography, history, math, the cafeteria, exams, grades, and teachers.
Silly Jokes - These are a list of silly jokes, plays on words, crazy questions, and strange thoughts. For example, from where to hamsters come? Hampsterdam!

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