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Flying on a bad airline
The Top 10 Signs You're Flying On A Bad Airline
- The engine's being held on by duct tape.
- You see the Gorilla from those old Samsonite commercials running loose up and down the aisles.
- In-flight movie has "Ernest" in its title.
- Pilot informs you that you're at cruising altitude and he's gonna put the top down.
- Instead of Peanuts, you get a healthy helping of SPAM.
- As you're taking off, the stewardess mentions the phrase "Guest Pilot Program"
- The seats are wet due to flotation device moisture.
- The stewardess asks you to join the Mile High Club..."she" has a beard and bigger arms than you!
- Pilot asks if there is anyone else who wants a shot of Beam before he finishes the bottle.
- You look down and see a copy of "Fixing a Plane for Dummies" by the mechanic's feet!!!
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