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A relationship is over

The Top Signs That Your Net Relationship Is Over

  1. All of a sudden, she's typing in a different font.

  2. Instead of hearing that lovely "You've Got Mail" statement when you use America OnLine, you hear "You Just Got Dumped!"

  3. Your connection to his server is constantly refused.

  4. You get a Dear John E-mai...Your name is Fred.

  5. They no longer have access to a computer due to a recent parole.

  6. She starts ending each sentence with only 1 exclamation mark instead of the usual 3!!!

  7. She tells you that she's been working a lot. You think its a professional job; it turns out that she was responsible for the decorations at her Jr High prom!!

  8. During an intimate moment in a chat room, she reveals herself to be GRANDMA!!

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