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To do in space station
The Top 10 Things To Do While Confined In A Space Station
- Roll down the window and throw beer cans at passing satellites.
- Play some rather boring games of Solitaire.
- Try to bust that myth of Lays Potato Chips: Betcha Can't Eat Just One!
- Come up with as many wacky Top 10 List Topics as possible so Top 10 Boy will have work to do into the New Year.
- When the NASA camera is off, dance around to "Blue Jean" by David Bowie while wearing just your space helmet.
- Do what everyone else does, write out all of your postcards..mail them when you get home.
- Don't move, don't touch anything and if you break something, know that you will be blamed mercilessly for it and shunned by society to a Gulag in a remote part of Northern Siberia (Russian Space Station only).
- Access www.spacebabes.com on NASA's computer instead of doing those meaningless space experiments.
- Call Martian Escort Service..hope like hell they take American Express.
- Watch All of Pauly Shore's movies...try to find examples of humor, plot and a reason for making it.
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