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Aha! Jokes makes a constant effort to uphold privacy on the Internet and to keep your information within this division of our company. Below, you may read our privacy policy in its entirety. We have created this privacy policy to show our strong commitment toward keeping privacy on the Internet. |  |
Uses of information
Contact information
This information includes your name, e-mail address, phone number, fax number, and address. We often require you provide this information when you fill out forms. This data is used for contacting you, sending you information that you have requested, sending you notifications of some kind, or sending you something relating to a specific form.
Contact information will be given out or used only to complete a specific service, to complete a specific transaction, to complete a specific form, to establish a customer profile for future use, or when required by the law. Without prior consent from the user, no contact information given to Aha! Jokes will ever be sold, exchanged, or given to any outside parties except for the reasons listed previously. Outside parties include but are not limited to partners, advertisers, other users, affiliates, and employees.
Personal information
This information includes your age, birthday, income, interests, activities, and any other personal information. We often require this information when you set up accounts on Aha! Jokes or when you fill out surveys. This information is used for catering to your interests as well as giving us more accurate survey results.
Personal information will be given out or used only to complete a specific service, to complete a specific transaction, to complete a specific form, to establish a customer profile for future use, or when required by the law. Without prior consent from the user, no personal information given to Aha! Jokes will ever be sold, exchanged, or given to any outside parties except for the reasons listed previously. Outside parties include but are not limited to partners, advertisers, other users, affiliates, and employees.
Other information
In the event that some topics and types of information were not covered by the previous areas, we are including the broad topic of other information. This information includes your thoughts and ideas given to us, your comments, your suggestions, your feedback, and anything else. We often require this information when you use our services, use our tools, fill out forms, open accounts, and travel through our site. This information is used only to cater to your needs, to assist you at the time of your visit, and to provide us with feedback.
Other information will be seen as nonconfidential and nonproprietary. The other information like feedback, comments, and suggestions may be reproduced, distributed, or used without limitation. It may be used and applied for any area or division of our company including but not limited to our marketing department, product department, customer service department, and sales department.
A cookie is a piece of data that is sent from a web site to your browser. It is stored on your hard drive and called to from time to time by the Web site. Our site does not make use of cookies. If you do not wish to have cookies, you may change settings in your browser to either notify you about the receipt of a cookie or decline the receipt of a cookie. One must realize though that declining the receipt of cookies may lead to a less customized, usable, or enjoyable Web experience.
When found necessary, you are directed to a secure server to complete forms. This encrypts your files preventing any third parties from intercepting the information on either end of the connection.
All local files at our company are also encrypted. This prevents anyone from simply accessing the information on our systems. In addition, important information is not kept accessible from the Internet.
Password protection technology found on the site is always being improved to prevent unauthorized users from accessing any information. Any security flaws discovered on our system are corrected immediately.
Aha! Jokes guarantees your safety and security to the extent of having our reputation at risk should a breach of security occur and to the extent of making security improvement efforts every day. However, no guarantees are made beyond this point. For our reasoning behind this, please refer to the below paragraph.
You acknowledge that, despite our great efforts to uphold privacy to the best of our ability and our firm commitment to keeping every one of our users safe and anonymous, as illustrated by the policy listed here, data sent through the Internet, as can data at physical locations that are even heavily guarded, has before and can potentially be breached or read by third parties.
You therefore agree to indemnify Aha! Jokes from all legal responsibility and liability for such events as, but not limited to, security breaches, stolen information, successful hacking attempts against this site, lost information, or other actions that result in the untimely and unexpected release of information.
Mailing lists
A mailing list is a list or group of people that receive e-mail relating to a specific topic. Mailing lists are normally distributed at set time points--daily, weekly, and monthly are most common. To sign up to a mailing list, the mail distributor must have your e-mail address. Aha! Jokes takes the following actions regarding mailing lists to guarantee the privacy of its users and subscribers.
E-mail addresses
E-mail addresses will be given out or used only to complete the subscription process or when required by the law. Without prior consent from the user, no e-mail addresses given to Aha! Jokes will ever be sold, exchanged, or given to any outside parties except for the reasons listed previously. Outside parties include but are not limited to partners, advertisers, other users, affiliates, and employees.
Refusal of subscription
Aha! Jokes reserves the right to refuse your subscription or to cancel your subscription at any point without prior notice. This happens infrequently and is normally the result of malicious activity.
A subscriber to any mailing list or newsletter distributed by Aha! Jokes may unsubscribe to it at any time. To unsubscribe, simply click the unsubscribe button located at the bottom of each email and enter your e-mail address in the form shown. After doing this, you will no longer receive that specific e-mail subscription.
The time it takes to unsubscribe a user is undefined. Normally, you will be removed from the mailing list within twenty-four hours. However, complications with your mail system, complications with our mail system, complications with our mailing list, or other technical difficulties can possibly result in an extended time period before an e-mail address is removed from our list. We assume no liability or responsibility for the delayed removal of an e-mail address from a mailing list.
On the Internet, often the most vulnerable users are children. Recognizing this, Aha! Jokes makes an effort to uphold privacy with children. We will not knowingly collect personal, financial, contact, or other information from children thirteen years of age or under. Before submitting any information to others on the Internet, children should ask for permission from a guardian or parent.
Because Aha! Jokes is continuously trying to improve our policies and raise our standards, this privacy policy is subject to change at any time. Changes that have been made within the privacy policy in the last month will often be marked by the use of italics.
If you still have unanswered questions about our privacy policy or have a suggestion for Aha! Jokes, please e-mail us at Webmaster@AhaJokes.com or visit our contact center. All questions, comments, and suggestions are both welcomed and encouraged.