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Flying Car Description: This car travels so fast that it lifts off of the ground and flys. File name: m115.zip File size: 884KB
Short Trip Description: This plane has a short trip before it smashes directly into a car. File name: m116.zip File size: 928KB
Flying Cat Description: There's no need to rescue this cat; it appears that he can fly. File name: m117.zip File size: 2.00MB
Bad Athlete Description: This athlete must be suffering from back pain even today. File name: m118.zip File size: 471KB
Beach Fall Description: This boy falls on his face in the sand while running after a board. File name: m119.zip File size: 268KB
Spilling Juice Description: He spills juice on his face, because he is too short to reach the glass. File name: m120.zip File size: 1.10MB
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