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Week's Faces Description: The cycle and faces of the week's days for the average employee. File name: m049.zip File size: 97.3KB
Strong Dog Description: Let a weaker person hold a strong dog, and you've got trouble. File name: m050.zip File size: 906KB
Tight Security Description: I have heard of tight security, but this business is going too far! File name: m051.zip File size: 1.86MB
Good Jumper Description: This boy tried to run quickly and jump into the pool in his yard. File name: m052.zip File size: 771KB
Ringing Bells Description: In this clip, you would think everyone was a trained boxer. File name: m053.zip File size: 1.08MB
Jumping High Description: These young "athletes" attempt to jump over a nearby rope. File name: m054.zip File size: 330KB
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