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Running Late Description: This runner fails to hear the sound that officially begins the race. File name: m031.zip File size: 816KB
Sharp Turns Description: When this car needs to turn, it is unable and crashes into an audience. File name: m032.zip File size: 961KB
Snowman Attack Description: Who says Frosty the Snowman isn't alive and well? File name: m033.zip File size: 681KB
Bulging Eyes Description: Witness this woman's ability to make her eyes pop out of their sockets. File name: m034.zip File size: 799KB
Clown's Fall Description: See what happens when this clown gets pushed too hard by a nearby entertainer. File name: m035.zip File size: 313KB
Enjoy Your Food? Description: Trying to impress her? Think again. File name: m036.zip File size: 503KB
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