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An information guide to Weblibs
What are Weblibs?
A Weblib is a story with blanks throughout it. These blanks are to be replaced by your own randomly chosen words; after all of the blanks have been filled, a complete story will be produced. These final stories are frequently very funny because of how strange they really are and what words end up together. To get a better idea of what Weblibs are, try one below!
What words must I give?
The words that you use to complete a Weblib must be specific.
If asked for a noun, give a person, place, or thing as your answer. Ex. Dog, truck, pepperoni.
If asked for an adjective, give a descriptive word. Ex. stupid, slow, fat.
If asked for a verb, give an action. Ex. run, leap, punch.
If asked for an -ing verb, give an action ending in -ing. Ex. running, leaping, punching.
If asked for a plural form, generally just add s to nouns. Ex. dogs, planes, computer networks.
If asked for an adverb, supply a word that describes a verb. Ex. slowly jump, quietly climb, abruptly punched. In most cases, words ending with ly are adverbs.
Other logical word requests include giving a number, a name of a movie, or a color.
At all times, remember to be creative and enjoy yourself! Weblibs can be done alone or with multiple people each supplying one word.
To return to the Weblibs center and give one a try, click here.