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Find out about the cat
Did you understand me?
This dog loves people
Writing letters to son
Phone company's errors
Converting to metric
Begin emergency landing
Drinking and driving
Call us for assistance
Fortune cookie mistake
Strange grants given
Shooting your computer
Newspaper typing error
Stop credit card fraud
Unpaid parking tickets
Beware of drunken bears
Monkey travels in space
Earthquake at a bank
Brezhnev at his speech
Lenin's silver ruble
At a distressed city
Bank robber stealing
U.S. Air Force pilot
Phone keeps ringing
Flying to Frankfurt
Problems during flight
Pentagon and pencils
Writing to Grandma
Passing a school bus
Televised operations
Striking statistics
Death sentence cleared
Sudanese government
I.R.S. parking tickets
Working cards at ATMs
Hunter shot by fox
Attorney questioning
Strange headline news
Candidate's shootout
Bees pay you a visit
Free marriage ceremony
Race dead candidates
Technology is too good
I'll sue for injuries
New military tourism
Return what is stolen
People with busy lives
Bull free in Tokoyo
Closing down Denny's
Wrong place wrong time
Serving on the jury
Economic pressures
Apple sues Apple Corp.
Wrong place wrong time
Who drove that bus
Wrong place wrong time
Annoying phone calls
Documentation products
Yankee Doodle history
Home Alone children
Caught by alligators
Insulting to women
Who was drinking more?
A new type of fraud
Homeschooling kids
Most popular video
Unsanitary conditions
Robbing a locked bank
Appear on television
Buying from a store
New way to herd cattle
Invent artificial dogs
Public school dangers
Choking a girlfriend
Ordered to pay fines
Threaten with a knife
Scent makes you gamble
Locked in the trunk
Reduce national debt
Normal traffic stop
Hotel's loud snorers
Massive ball of hair
Throw away exhibits
Set up hidden cameras
Tied in an election
Educational priority
Stealing six barbells
Kidnappers caught him
Destroying property
Pathetic lawsuits
Women pump gas now
Home burglar survey
Sodom village gone
Stealing the camera
Drunk while stealing
Go home and wait
Huge criminal record
Making cars drive
Steal little things
You aren't the worst
Ordering fast food
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