Bar Jokes
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Individual joke listings
Looking to buy a frog?
Who is able to say it?
Returning home drunk
I didn't get any money
I thought you were her
Making a bet at a bar
A nun arrives at a bar
New alcohol warnings
Allow drinking at work
A neutron enters a bar
Magical dancing duck
A man drinks too fast
A bet made at the bar
What causes arthritis?
An Irishman's customs
No dogs allowed here
A very very short man
I'm only trying to help
Stopped by the police
Seal visits a local bar
Taking the ferry home
Female hormone beer
A very depressed man
I'm on the wrong bus
Vampires go to a bar
Will your dog bite me?
A golf club is in a bar
I am afraid of tarmac
I don't owe any money
A brain goes to a bar
The wife is not speaking
If she went out with me
Who gave those to you?
Drinks are on the house
A pill that helps you fly
Drink fault-finding guide
Unsure if they really paid
Driving while very drunk
Imagining he sees things
A prayer relating to beer
Tried to prove something
A pirate at the local bar
A monkey goes to a bar
The official drinking test
Signs that you're drunk
A drunk orders a beer
Insulting drunks at a bar
Who keeps saying that?
Someone stole from me
Trying a nicer approach
Bad luck trying to hide
I bet you were drinking
A girlfriend is in the car
I bet I can bite my eyes
I only ordered a double
I know when I'm drunk
They walked into a bar
Some yogurt visits a bar
Common traits in drunks
Number twelve at a bar
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